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Controlled circulation registration may well be about quantity, but it is also about getting the small things right. That's why we place so much emphasis on the spelling of personal names and on qualifying job titles. It's why we advise our clients to allow us to capture their registrations direct to screen because we can utilise the benefits of PAF online address verification.
It also allows us to incorporate our bespoke macro facility, which ensures that all relevant questions are answered,
that irrelevant questions are avoided and a critical path process is adopted. It ensures that qualifying questions are
confirmed and filtered correctly, that the direct mail question is properly asked in the most advantageous manner and
that all registrations are accurately classified to help your circulation bureau.
An emphasis is placed on the spelling of personal details
We advise the capture of registrations direct to screen in order to facilitate PAF
Our bespoke macro facility ensures that all relevant questions are answered
Using our audio visual electronic overlay we quality control each registration individually